Thursday, September 18, 2008

I say air

Life is very strange lately. As the summer loosens it's stranglehold on me I can't help but feel that I spent the whole time that it was here hiding. Lots of new things and people popped up over the summer that have made my life a bit more awesome than it was before the sweltering heat rolled in, but I still can't help but feel as though I'm stuck. I feel like I'm drowning in my ideas most of the time and when I finally get a chance to come up for air, all I can think about is breathing and everything else is washed away.

I need balance.

I guess at this point I don't have much room to complain. I have made about 12 different t-shirt designs for one of my favorite bands ever and there is a good chance that at least 2 will see the light of day. I have a loose plan of action to finally make music with someone that I consider to have been made from the same strange psychological mold as myself. I have a weekly internet radio show that people actually listen to and enjoy. I don't know. I guess I just wish that there could be a a few different copies of me who could focus on various elements of my life so that they all could get the attention they deserve and be successful. Maybe one day I will be able to figure this all out... maybe...

I really hope that some day I can make this blog a piece of art like Michelle's, but she's educated and what not so I'm not holding my breath. I'm just gonna focus on not having too many misspelled words for the moment.

Listen to the "The Devil" by Portugal, The Man and "The Heraldic Beak of the Manufacturers Medallion" by The Sound of Animals Fighting

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